
If you have an iPhone or iPod touch, chances are it is jailbroken. Since it unlocks and gives you many applications and hacks not provided by apple. Most iPhone/iPod touch Jailbreakers have an app called OpenSSH

This app allows you to send, receive, and edit files on your device. Using an SSH client such as WinSCP

Everyone has 2 accounts in SSH: root and mobile
Both have the same password: alpine

Did you know you can change the password in OpenSSH?
I highly recommend that anyone with OpenSSH change their password.
This will prevent hackers or anyone else accessing your data.

Tools Needed:
OpenSSH (Should be Installed)
Cydia (Needed to install MobileTerminal)
MobileTerminal (This is needed to change the password)

Type only the text in bold


1. Open up MobileTerminal.

2. Login to root by:
1. Type login
2. Type root
3. Type alpine

You should be logged into the root account.

3. Type in passwd

4. Type in your new password (Must be bigger than 5 characters)

5. Type your new password in again.

6. Repeat steps 3-5 with the mobile account

Now you are more safe with your new password

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